author: bocianu
Set of procedures to communicate with #FujiNet interface on SIO level.
This library is a part of 'blibs' - set of custom Mad-Pascal libraries.
name: | value: | description: |
name: | type: | description: |
FN_StatusStruct | record
end; | Structure used to store Status Command result |
FN_HostSlot | array[0..31] of char | Character string used to store a single host name |
FN_HostSlots | array[0..7] of FN_HostSlot | List of all host slots (FN_HostSlot objects) |
FN_DeviceSlot | record
end; | Structure describing a single device slot |
FN_DeviceSlots | array[0..7, 0..sizeof(FN_DeviceSlot) - 1] of char | List of all device slots (FN_DeviceSlot objects) |
name: | description: |
FN_Open | procedure FN_Open(var fn_uri:PChar);overload;Opens connection to remote host at selected port using declared protocol.
parameters: |
FN_Open | procedure FN_Open(var fn_uri:PChar; aux1, aux2: byte);overload;Opens connection to remote host at selected port using declared protocol.
parameters: |
FN_WriteBuffer | procedure FN_WriteBuffer(buf: pointer; len: word);Writes (sends) data from memory to network device.
parameters: |
FN_ReadBuffer | procedure FN_ReadBuffer(buf: pointer;len: word);Reads (receives) data from network device.
parameters: |
FN_ReadStatus | procedure FN_ReadStatus(status: pointer);Reads network device status and stores information in provided memory location.
parameters: |
FN_Close | procedure FN_Close;Closes network connection. |
FN_Command | function FN_Command(cmd, dstats:byte;dbyt: word;aux1, aux2:byte; dbufa: word):byte;Sends SIO command to #FN device
parameters:returns: |
FN_GetHostSlots | procedure FN_GetHostSlots(buf: pointer);Retrieves a list of hosts
parameters: |
FN_GetDeviceSlots | procedure FN_GetDeviceSlots(buf: pointer);Retrieves a list of device slots
parameters: |
FN_MountHost | procedure FN_MountHost(hs: byte);Mounts host with a given number
parameters: |
FN_UnmountHost | procedure FN_UnmountHost(hs: byte);Unmounts host with a given number
parameters: |
FN_OpenDirectory | procedure FN_OpenDirectory(hs: byte; buf: pointer; diropt: byte);Opens directory for reading
parameters: |
FN_CloseDirectory | procedure FN_CloseDirectory(hs: byte);Closes a previously opened directory
parameters: |
FN_ReadDirectory | procedure FN_ReadDirectory(maxlen: byte; hs: byte; buf: pointer);Reads a directory entry into `buf`
parameters: |
FN_GetDirectoryPosition | function FN_GetDirectoryPosition : word;Gets the current directory stream position
returns: |
FN_SetDirectoryPosition | procedure FN_SetDirectoryPosition(pos: word);Sets directory stream position
parameters: |
FN_SetDeviceFilename | procedure FN_SetDeviceFilename(ds, hs, mode: byte; buf: pointer);Sets filename for mounting
parameters: |
FN_MountDiskImage | procedure FN_MountDiskImage(slot, mode: byte);Mounts disk image already set using FN_SetDeviceFilename
parameters: |
FN_UnmountDiskImage | procedure FN_UnmountDiskImage(slot: byte);Unmounts disk image specified by `slot`
parameters: |